Hi, I'm Wenhao, a software engineer.

About Me

I'm currently in the Google Brain Applied Research team, working on machine learning systems. Previously, I was in the TensorFlow team. Before joining Google, I had worked on cloud products and accelerators at a few startups and research labs.

Work experience

October 2018 - Present


Software Engineer

Feburary 2017 - September 2018

Yellowbrick Data

Staff Engineer

November 2015 - Feburary 2017

Scaled Inference

Systems Engineer

October 2014 - October 2015

Qualcomm Research

Senior Engineer


2008 - 2014

Princeton University

PhD, Electrical Engineering

2004 - 2008

Tsinghua University

BS, Electrical Engineering

Get in touch at hello@jiawenhao.com or on LinkedIn.